A whole-food, plant-based CanAussie ultra runner living in Wandiligong, Australia. "If it's not training, it must be recovery."
"The goal is to become the unique, awesome, never to be repeated human being that we were called to be." -Patricia Deegan
Monday, September 13, 2010
Article in WAMC newsletter
Just opened my WAMC (West Australian Marathon Club) newsletter and was surprised to see a familiar picture inside. There was a really thoughtful article on the Sri Chinmoy 24 hour race by Grahak Cunningham. Grahak pretty much embodies the ultimate in ultrarunner, having finished 6th at the 3,100 mile (no, not km) Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence race in New York in 2007. He beat the former Australian record by over 4 days, as well. Grahak volunteered tirelessly at the 24 hr race as a lap scorer and provided great moral support as a fellow WA'er as well.

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