A whole-food, plant-based CanAussie ultra runner living in Wandiligong, Australia. "If it's not training, it must be recovery."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Second 4k, (one) Second PB

Sunday, March 25, 2012
-10 to +5

Before going out to the track on Thursday, I looked back at my best 4k time on the track. 16.05. Right, 96 sec laps or 48 sec per 1/2 lap (easier to stay on track if I watch 200 mtr increments).
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Because it was a race recce, it was top secret stuff, so we ran without company. (Except for that sms after the run reading, "Hey, b, was that you that just left (secretplace)?" Damn. PTS spies!

Sunday, March 11, 2012
On Pins and Needles

I had a very frightening moment on Tuesday night. I thought I was being a good little recovering ultrarunner, resting my foot/leg for two full days after testing it on the 34+21k outing last Saturday. Tuesday night I did an easy 11k jog. Climbing into bed, the shin lit up for a moment.
I still get pins and needles - in the foot - a lot. I mean, it's only been 4 months ;) As I write this, my foot is all a-tingle.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Boomerang (she threw herself as far as she could, but still came back)

And I was just running. Because I can :) Watch the 3 year olds at a park. Do you think they are running from anything?
I ran 34km to get to Nannup. I arrived 2km after running out of water. The first stall I saw when I ran over the bridge into town was selling lemonade. It was the most brilliant taste. Thank you, Mr. Lemonade seller, for being there.
Four hours later I was back on the road, taking the most direct route back to my “Canadian” cabin this time. I filled the hydration pack and stopped at the servo to get a yoghurt for brekkie and an instant boil-up pasta’n’sauce combo for dinner (the lightest, smallest thing I could find). They had tiny, fresh, non-sprayed peaches by the till. I got 5 for $2.50. I ran 20km with that little plastic bag of groceries beating like a metronome off the back of my pack. There was something utterly peaceful about carrying my world on my back.

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Third Person Singular

I'm off this WA long weekend to hippie camp. I'm taking my lovely Greta (motorcycle) and driving 3 1/2 hours south to a rural folk festival. From there, I hope to get enough distance on "Bernadette" to see her from the third person. Time for a little reflection.
I haven't been liking the latest iteration of Bernadette so much. Or her world. She's still there, I think, just buried underneath a to-do list that's breaking her hippie back.