I'm hoping it just didn't like the speed work, because I'm fine to back off the speed work for another week. I continue to get brutally painful massage to both feet weekly (nothing has ever been so painful to massage) and run an ice bottle under my feet a few times per day (feels glorious).
Will I really be racing TNF100 in 6 weeks? If I had to put odds today, I'd be 40/60. I haven't bought the plane ticket yet. As it is today, I don't think my foot would cope with 100k of hard pounding, technical trail for 12+hrs. Even if I made myself finish in pain, I'd set myself back heaps. Which is truly not worth it.
Today's long run was a fun +900mtr over 33km at Wungong Gorge. Fun for me. Not so fun for two of our hearty band of four. Runners usually try to outdo each other in speed and in having the latest Garmin. Not in number of times vomiting or hours spent nauseous ;)
Last week's mid week running was mostly "easy" paced stuff, though Rolf and I smashed the hills on Wednesday night's run. I've been wearing a new pair of shoes on my midweek runs. The Inov-8 f-lite 195s. Rolf's had them for ages and loves 'em to bits. But I've been very happy with my Saucony A4 racing flats.
My first day with the f-lites I felt some knee pain and thought they seemed a bit harsh. I felt awkward. But thought I should give them another chance. In any good research an "n" of 1 has no weight. Now, I can't get myself to go

back to the Sauconys. I feel like my form is so much more midfoot in landing, my feet feel under me rather than in front, and my knees are bent more to cushion and spring as they're supposed to. Yesterday I checked my strides per minute a couple times and I was bang on 90 (a very good place to be).
But, the study won't be complete until I put the Saucony's back on and try them again.
In terms of specs, they weigh the same (191 vs 194 grams). The A4s have a 13 mm heel and 9 mm toe, for 4 mm drop, whereas the f-lites have a 10 mm heel and 7 mm toe, for a 3 mm drop. You wouldn't think 1 mm could change anything at all. But as Rolf pointed out, stand on the floor barefoot and then stick some sheets of paper under your heel. You actually feel the strain on your lower legs.
One thing I know I like for sure - the f-lites don't have silly "drainage" holes in the bottom. Those are just rock collectors and are incredibly annoying.
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