Alright, now that I've got mass sympathy, I can move on :)
This week was all about speedwork (with 15kms of hills thrown in) in the lead up to the Bunbury 50k. Thank goodness I was back to see my sports chiro on Friday morning. My mid back and shoulders get so tight when I do speed work, especially when I get out to the track races.
Rolf happened to take some video of me during a 4k race. I didn't realise he was doing it at the time, but it proved very useful. I caught lots of images of heel striking.

I also had a confidence-inspiring Thursday night run. I ran 17k at Bunbury race pace. Every time I do those runs, I get into the mental battles. You know the ones.... This is too hard, there's no way I can sustain this for 50 kms, I'm too hot, my heart rate is too high.... But I had company for a change, which helped distract me from that annoying voice in my head. And then I realised, "Hey, I'm talking. I'm conversational!" That's a good sign. I mean, it wasn't that I was conversational like a normal person. There were still a bunch of those two-breath sentences, but that really inspired confidence against my nay-sayer.
I got very little sleep Thursday night and noticed a very interesting thing on Friday. I became a snacking/sugar addict. All day I wanted to eat. Especially sugar, but I'd settle for anything. It was fascinating. It must be chemical. And it really made me wonder about so many people out there working long hours, up with kids at night and the like...and being overweight. I bet there's already science on this, but I've just never realised this connection before. Even more reason to sleep late now - we'll save on the grocery bills :)
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